MONOGRAPH: Ciaunica, A. (2017) – Qu’est-ce que la conscience? Paris: Vrin. ISBN 978-2-7116-2739-4 


SPECIAL ISSUE (2020) ‘The Relational Self – Basic Forms of Self-Awareness’ –TOPOI, an International Journal of Philosophy

SPECIAL ISSUE (2020) – “(Dis)Embodied Perception of the Self and Other – Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Science and Arts – Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology


  • Almeida, I. A. T., Becattini, V., Guendelman, S., Leleu, A., Barnby, J. M., & Ciaunica, A. (2024, February 8). Disintegrated Self in Time: The Effect of Depersonalisation Experiences on Time Perspective. Retrieved from 
  • Delafield-Butt, J., & Ciaunica, A. (2024, February 5). The sensorimotor foundations of conscious awareness in utero. Retrieved from
  • Maister, L., & Ciaunica, A. (2024, January 23). Self-portrait of a Stranger: Self-face Representation and Interoception in Depersonalization Experiences.
  • Ciaunica, A., Ayache, J., Haggard, P., Nakul, E., Bonnet, E., & Auvray, M. (2024, January 9). Am I in Control? The Effect of Depersonalization on the Sense of Agency.
  • Couto, T. A., Akioma, M., Li, H., Ciaunica A., Xiao, L., Gao, F., … & Zhen, Y. (2024) Do You Feel What I Am Feeling? Inter-Brain Synchronization Dynamics During Naturalistic Storytelling Using fNIRS Hyperscanning. IBRO Neuroscience reports.
  • Wilkinson, N. M., Ikegami, T., & Ciaunica, A. (2023, October 10). Prenatal origins of antigravity homeostasis in humans.
  • Ferroni, F., Arcuri, E., Ardizzi, M., Chinchella, N., Gallese, V., & Ciaunica, A. (2023, May 19). Lost in time and space? Multisensory processing of peripersonal space and time perception in Depersonalisation.
  • Gwyther, M., Lenggenhager, B., Windt, J., Aspell, J. E., & Ciaunica, A. (2023, May 4). Living in a bad dream – examining the association between depersonalisation traits and the bodily self in waking and dreaming.
  • Ciaunica, A., Mathew, J. M., Deroy, O., & Fairhurst, M. T. (2021, December 22). Getting in Touch with the Lost Self: Vicarious and Affective Touch in Depersonalisation.


Woźniak, M., McEllin, L., Hohwy, J., & Ciaunica, A. (2023a). Depersonalization affects self-prioritization of bodily, but not abstract self-related information. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance,49(11), 1447–1459.

Ciaunica, A., Levin, M., Rosas, F. E., & Friston, K. (2023b). Nested Selves: Self-Organization and Shared Markov Blankets in Prenatal Development in Humans. Topics in cognitive science, 10.1111/tops.12717. Advance online publication.

Ciaunica, A., Shmeleva, E. V., & Levin, M. (2023). The brain is not mental! coupling neuronal and immune cellular processing in human organisms. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 17, 1057622.

Ciaunica A, Seth A, Limanowski J, Hesp C, Friston KJ. (2022b) I overthink-Therefore I am not: An active inference account of altered sense of self and agency in depersonalisation disorder. Consciousness and CognitionMay;101:103320. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103320. 

Ciaunica, A. Elizabeth Pienkos, Estelle Nakul, Luis Madeira & Harry Farmer (2022c) Exploration of self- and world-experiences in depersonalization traits, Philosophical Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2022.2056009

Ciaunica, A., McEllin, L., Kiverstein, J. et al. (2022d). Zoomed out: digital media use and depersonalization experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown. Nature. Scientific Reports 12, 3888 (2022).

Ciaunica A. (2022). The map, the territory, and the cartographer: Linking the “pure” formal models to the “murky” material world. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 2022 Sep 29;45:e189. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X22000590.

Ciaunica, A., & Safron, A. (2022). Disintegrating and Reintegrating the Self – (In)Flexible Self-Models in Depersonalisation and Psychedelic Experiences. In Lethaby, C & Gerrans P. Philosophy and the Psychedelic Renaissance. Oxford University Press

Ciaunica, A., Safron, A., & Delafield-Butt, J. (2021a). Back to Square One: from Embodied Experiences in Utero to Theories of Consciousness. Neuroscience of Consciousness, Volume 2021, Issue 2, 2021, niab037,

Ciaunica A, Roepstorff A, Fotopoulou AK and Petreca B (2021b) Whatever Next and Close to My Self—The Transparent Senses and the “Second Skin”: Implications for the Case of Depersonalization. Frontiers in Psychology12:613587. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.613587

Ciaunica A, Constant A, Preissl H, Fotopoulou K. (2021c). The first prior: From co-embodiment to co-homeostasis in early life. Consciousness and Cognition. Apr 15;91:103117. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2021.103117

Ciaunica, A., Charlton, J. & Farmer, H. (2020a) – When the Window Cracks: Transparency and the Fractured Self in Depersonalisation. Phenomenology and Cognitive Science

Ciaunica, A. (2020). Introduction: The Relational Self: Basic Forms of Self-Awareness. Topoi 39, 501–507 (2020).

Farmer, H., Cataldo, A., Adel, N., Wignall, E., Gallese, V., Deroy, O., Hamilton, A., & Ciaunica, A. (2020b). The Detached Self: Investigating the Effect of Depersonalisation on Self-Bias in the Visual Remapping of TouchMultisensory research, 1–22. Advance online publication.

Ciaunica, A., Crucianelli, L. (2019), Minimal Self-Consciousness from within – a Developmental PerspectiveJournal of Consciousness Studies. Volume 26, Numbers 3-4, 2019, pp. 207-226(20)

Ciaunica A. (2019) Subjective Experiences are Relational: Implications for Trauma Research and Therapy.Constructivist Foundations 14(2): 221–224

Ciaunica, A., Schilbach L., Deroy, O. (2018), ‘The Multisensory Base of Bodily Coupling in Face-to-face Social Interactions: Contrasting the Case of Autism with the Mobius Syndrome’Philosophical Psychology

Farmer* H, Ciaunica* A, Hamilton Antonia F. de C. (2018) The functions of imitative behaviour in humans. Mind and Language. 1–19. (*equal contributions). 

Ciaunica, A. (2017a). ‘The Meeting of Bodies: Basic Forms of Shared ExperiencesTopoian International Journal of Philosophy

Ciaunica A. (2017b) – Modelling Subjectivity and Uncertainty in ‘Real World’ SettingsConstructivist Foundations 12(2): 184–185.

Ciaunica, A. & Fotopoulou, A. (2017c). ‘The Touched Self: Psychological and Philosophical Perspectives on Proximal Intersubjectivity and the Self’. In Durt C., Fuchs T., and Tewes C. (eds). Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture—Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Ciaunica, A. (2016) – ‘Basic Forms of Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness: a Developmental Perspective’ in Preyer G., Morando C., and Miguens S. (eds) Pre-Reflective Consciousness, London: Routledge.

Ciaunica, A. (2014a) – Under Pressure: Processing Representational Decoupling in False-Belief Tasks – Review of Philosophy and Psychology, December 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 527-542. DOI 10.1007/s13164-014-0195-2

Ciaunica, A. (2014b) – Putting Phenomenology at Work “Seriously- Deep Brain Stimulation and Mental Disorders.Constructivist Foundations 10(1): 105–106, 2014 

Ciaunica, A. (2014c) – ‘Autism: a Relational Self Impairment?’ in Gerner, A. & Gonçalves, J. (eds). Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience. Norderstedt: BoD. ISBN 978-3-7357-6004-3 2013, pp 277- 293.  

Ciaunica, A. (2013). ‘Relations between Levels’ in Llored, J-P. (ed.), The Philosophy of chemistry: practices, methodologies and concepts. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 558-574.